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THE EARTH IS NOT A GIFT FROM OUR PARENTS, IT IS A LOAN FROM OUR CHILDREN . JJ. Audubon, ornithologist, naturalist and French painter, 1851.


The quality of the product and the service, the respect for the environment, and the safety of all information assets, are priority goals for MAC Insular and our management model is based on these principals. This is reflected on some of the certifications that the Company has obtained from AENOR, such as the Quality Management System based on the ISO standard 9000, the Environmental Management System based on the ISO standard 14001, and the Information Security Management System based on the UNE/ISO-IEC standard 27001, as well as CE Marking for aggregates according to the requirements of the standards EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 “Aggregates for Concrete” and EN 13242:2002+A1:2007 “Aggregated for unbound materials”. All the certifications are available in our section Downloads. MAC Insular stands behind a qualified and committed team, and is devoted to offer its employees a Company that allow them both the personal and professional development. In addition, MAC Insular stands for for exemplary actions that guide the company’s behaviour and show a firm commitment to the provisions of the Criminal Code and any regulations that may me applicable.


The Quality and Environment policy of MAC Insular as a concessionary company of the Public Service for the management of construction, demolition, bulky and tyre waste not in use on the island of Majorca is based on the principles of excellence, social responsibility and continuous improvement.

To this end, MAC Insular undertakes:

• To make quality and respect for the Environment a priority objective and a management model.
• To develop all activities within a framework of protection and respect for the environment, planning a correct management of the Construction, Demolition, Bulky and Tyre Waste not in use and identifying and assessing the environmental aspects of our activities in order to prevent potential negative effects.
• To assess the needs and expectations of our clients and stakeholders to satisfy them.
• To comply with the applicable legislation and regulations, and with any requirements imposed.
• To encourage the continuous improvement in all aspects of business, allocating the necessary resources to achieve the objectives set.
• To identify the training needs of our team so that they can perform properly all their work, in order to guarantee the services quality.
• To review and assess regularly the achievement of objectives and actions defined by the company, aimed at supporting the commitment to continuous improvement.
• To develop and maintain an integrated management system in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 (Quality) and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 (Environment) standards, which addresses the management activity for construction, demolition, bulky and tyre waste not in use.
This Policy is binding for all MAC Insular personnel.

Our aim is to meet the needs and even exceed the expectations that the Administration and the society have on us.


The purpose of this Information System Security Managementis to protect the information assets of MAC Insular.

It is MAC Insula’s policy to ensure that:

• Information is protected against loss of availability, confidentiality and integrity.
• Information is protected against unauthorized access.
• All applicable legal requirements are met.
• All business requirements according to information security and information systems are met.
• Procedures are established to comply with the ISMS Policy.
• The responsible of ISMS will be in charge of maintaining this policyand procedures as well as of providing support for its implementation.
• Each employee must ensure compliance of this policy and its procedures as it may apply to each job position.
• It is a MAC Insular policy to implement, maintain and monitor the ISMS, promoting continuous improvement and allocating the necessary resources to meet the information security objectives set.
• Every employee has the obligation to report any security incident.
• Security incidents are dealt with appropriately.
• This policy is aligned with the risk strategy of the company.

This policy has been approved by the executive team of MAC Insular and will be revised annually.


SELECTION: We adapt our selection processesto the profiles set by our Quality standards. We work to welcome to our staff those professionals that are best suited to defined profiles.

TRAINING: Is understood as a continuous processthroughoutan individual’s work lifeand is adapted to our business strategy. Thus, each year we developa Training Plan designedto improve theexperience and expertise of our staff.

PREVENTION: The priority for the Company is to guaranteethe bestpossible health and safety conditions forour employees.For that reason we can count withtwo external risk prevention services,as well asa prevention coordinator. Our workers contribute to the success and the correct operation of this areathanks to their daily work.


Compliance is part of our culture as an organization and of our strategic objectives. It is not only about complying with the applicable legislation and the company’s internal regulations. It is our way of working.

In December 2017, the company’s Board of Directors approved a Code of Ethics and a Criminal Risks Prevention Manual, and appointed a Compliance Officer who, together with a Support Team, safeguards the effectiveness of rules and control procedures.

In this sense, the company expresses its commitment of zero tolerance towards behaviours that may involve regulatory breaches, corrupt practices or any other form of delinquency, lack of ethics or professional misconduct.

In order to channel any queries or complaints regarding Compliance, the company has set up an Ethics Channel, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption.

To access the Ethics Channel and its guide click here.